Friday, September 25, 2009


Today in school we devoted our time to fundraisers towards cancer. One of our teachers had cancer and got rid of it. Her whole family had cancer. I wanna know what you can do to help someone who has cancer or what you have done to help some one who has cancer. If you know someone that has gotten over cancer tell me and I will post the names.


  1. Jacob,
    I am so proud of you posting this on your blog. It is so important to help people and understand what one is going through when a one has cancer or has had cancer. The most important thing anyone should do is not quit being a friend to that person. I know it hurts to see one sick but also that is when that person needs help the most. Just keep on doing this blog to communicate with your friends.
    Mrs. L.

  2. Thank you for your support, Jacob. I appreciate all the help I can get on doing a blog. I am still just learning. It is going to be exciting.
    Mrs. L.
