Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
This week we had semester finals. They were very stressful. All the hard work paid off. I had every one of my grades passing. My highest was a 119%. It was in my History class.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Network 112
If you are looking for someone to talk to when you are board go to You can then go to network112. We can talk as a group or you can talk one on one. Come join and we can talk.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Favorite Team
It is getting close to SUPERBOWL SUNDAY. They have some pretty good teams out there. My favorite team is the Indianapolis Colts. They are 12-0. They and the Saints are the only undefeated teams in the NFL. Who are you wanting to go to the Superbowl?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Dodgeball is the most exciting sport that I have played. What is your most exciting sport?
Monday, November 30, 2009
I have to make a movie and I already have a good idea but I would like to get some ideas but I need you help so if you could I would like to hear your ideas and I will go with the best one.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
During Thanksgiving we had my older brother TJ came and spent the night at my house. We had a family get together and we ate turkey like many think of for Thanksgiving. What do you do for Thanksgiving?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My Birthday
Yesterday was my birthday and I had a great time. I had some of the best food ever. I had a big T-bone steak, potato soup, and fried okra. If you are ever anywhere near Neosho you have to go to Shoney's. They had the buffet and a steak to go with it. Okay let's get off the food subject. I won't tell what I got but I will tell you that I am saving my $$$$$$$ for a 243 synthetic stock youth model. It is such a cool gun.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Red Ribbon week
Dear Family,
Every 15 minutes in the United states dies in an alcohol related trafic collision, and today I died. I never got to tell you........
I never got to tell you how happy you make me. You do so much for me that I could never repay you guys. You work so hard so hard just to keep food in my stomach, and I want to say thanks.
Every 15 minutes in the United states dies in an alcohol related trafic collision, and today I died. I never got to tell you........
I never got to tell you how happy you make me. You do so much for me that I could never repay you guys. You work so hard so hard just to keep food in my stomach, and I want to say thanks.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
I don't know about going into the house by ourselves. I mean I have never went into a haunted house alone or with a friend said Katy.
I'm not sure interrupted Ashley, if we should or not.
In the first room of the house there was a story teller that told the story I didn't know that there was really ghost and goblins and things that go bump in the night.
They also told about the rest of the spook house. None of them wanted to go in but they were shoved in by the adults. In the beginning they saw a ghost that screamed .
They both jumped. They started to run. When they came into the next part of the house they came across something that caught their eye. The room was a computer lab a lot like theirs.
they didn't know what was walking but they could see a couple glimpses of light.
All of a sudden a they both ran to the next room. They started to spin. They were stuck to the wall. The floor dropped out from underneath them. Katy realized that one year at the carnival she had rode a ride a lot like that. But Ashley. Man she never stopped spinning after she got off she sounded a lot like this. In the next room A scary life size 3-D monster that looked like a skeleton. He led them
I'm not sure interrupted Ashley, if we should or not.
In the first room of the house there was a story teller that told the story I didn't know that there was really ghost and goblins and things that go bump in the night.
They also told about the rest of the spook house. None of them wanted to go in but they were shoved in by the adults. In the beginning they saw a ghost that screamed .
They both jumped. They started to run. When they came into the next part of the house they came across something that caught their eye. The room was a computer lab a lot like theirs.
they didn't know what was walking but they could see a couple glimpses of light.
All of a sudden a they both ran to the next room. They started to spin. They were stuck to the wall. The floor dropped out from underneath them. Katy realized that one year at the carnival she had rode a ride a lot like that. But Ashley. Man she never stopped spinning after she got off she sounded a lot like this. In the next room A scary life size 3-D monster that looked like a skeleton. He led them
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
What is your favorite candy? As soon as I get enough comments I will do a cover it live, like in one of my older post. Mine is Ring pop.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
When you are commenting I have found that when you comment it say that you need to try again. Hit post again and it will comment.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
What can you make with the sentence starter { I want another }? What do you want? Remember it has to be school freindly. For example I want another four wheeler. Comment with your sentence.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
This is the game I have been trying to pass. If you pass it tell me. It is fun though.
This is the game I have been trying to pass. If you pass it tell me. It is fun though.
What is your favorite board game? There are so many. Some are from other countries. Look for challenges in games. It always is better. My favorite game would be Clue. It is hard to guess who did what, and where they did it,and what they did it with. Let me know what your favorite game is.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
My future career is to be a pilot in the Air force. I really just want to fly. I don't care. What is you future career? Have you had previous careers?
A couple weeks ago I went to a carnival. It was so cool. They had a Jungle Cats act. They did a tight rope act. The man that was doing the tight rope took a chair and sat on it while on the tight rope. There was a cool trapeze act. Have you ever been to a circus? How was it?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Today in school we devoted our time to fundraisers towards cancer. One of our teachers had cancer and got rid of it. Her whole family had cancer. I wanna know what you can do to help someone who has cancer or what you have done to help some one who has cancer. If you know someone that has gotten over cancer tell me and I will post the names.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Crazy Words
Can you make up some crazy word. It is really easy. Here is one that I made up, Stingle. Comment with some of your crazy words.
My cousins project
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Today in media class we used a new tool called discovery education streaming. We watched videos on each subject. In science we are currently talking about continental drift. It is a theory that all continents were once combined together as a super continent called Pangea. In math we are studying algebra. It is so easy and I keep getting bored. In history we are studying the Native Americans. It is interesting. What are you studying in school? If you are out of school what was your favorite subject?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Media class
My media teacher has taught us a lot. We have learned how to use the picture manger befunky. It was so cool. We could choose different types of pictures. We could change the picture completely. We used Voicethread. We could use the pen to show the pictures detail by circling it. You can also record your voice so you can tell about what your circling. These are some of the things we have used. Click on the words to get to the site.
Cover it live
Cover it live
I am reading Shakespeare's book The Winter's Tale. It is so hard to understand the words. The one part that I have read an can understand is pretty good. If you are up to a challenge then look at a book written by this guy. Some people like it and I can't stand it. Write back about your favorite book and tell me why you like it.
My Story
Once apon a time, somewhere near 1947, Jim met Nadine. It was so hard to meet someone because Jim had some weird features. He was so tall that he could drink water from the clouds. The towns people were getting mad because no rain would hit the ground. They chased Jim away. On his long travel, he met Nadine. She too occasionally took cloud sips.
Jim had too build a house because they were too big to get a house big enough for them. Jim was out for a walk and saw a bigger than normal person. He didn't know but it was Sasquatch. He named him Achmed. Jim took him home as a pet. He said that he had a pet but no one believed him. He was too big. Once someone peaked in to his house and saw Achmed.
Then the whole town knew. The townspeople was always trying to talk to them. Nadine ran. Jim had stood and fought. The army had to shoot him to kill him.
This is the story that we had to write for language arts class. Hope you enjoy.
Jim had too build a house because they were too big to get a house big enough for them. Jim was out for a walk and saw a bigger than normal person. He didn't know but it was Sasquatch. He named him Achmed. Jim took him home as a pet. He said that he had a pet but no one believed him. He was too big. Once someone peaked in to his house and saw Achmed.
Then the whole town knew. The townspeople was always trying to talk to them. Nadine ran. Jim had stood and fought. The army had to shoot him to kill him.
This is the story that we had to write for language arts class. Hope you enjoy.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I am interested in what you did when you were in school or if you are still in school. Examples would be clubs, athletics,or advanced classes. I play baseball and I am currently enrolled in a advanced math class.
Today I got to go to church like I normaly do and go and eat at my grandma's house. It was so good. We had mexican taco bake. We had fudge coverd brownies for desert. What do you usually do on Sunday afternoon. Comment and I will try to do a graph on the simularities.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Meeting New Pople
If you want people to visit your blog you should comment on others but remember to sign into your google account.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Vacaroo& Voice Thread
You can use vacaroo in class by reporting to a teacher your project. If you are leaving your homework at your house, you could record your work on the internet and show it to the teacher. You would have to explain your work and that could get pretty difficult.
That is where voice thread would come in handy. You could take a picture of your paper and you explain how you got your answer. You can show how you got that answer with the pen it gives you. You can explain how you got the answer by recording your voice.
I think that voice thread is better than vacaroo because it gives you the opportunity to use video also. I have examples on my blog.
That is where voice thread would come in handy. You could take a picture of your paper and you explain how you got your answer. You can show how you got that answer with the pen it gives you. You can explain how you got the answer by recording your voice.
I think that voice thread is better than vacaroo because it gives you the opportunity to use video also. I have examples on my blog.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Comments for kids
We have a thing on Wednesday that you comment on kids blogs and you watch their videos on their blog. Most of them at that age don't have a blog so they use their teachers blog. We will have some from our class. so post a lot. I will get the URL.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Land forms
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I should be adding video to my blog for the first time. I will be posting videos on things that I'm interested in and things that you would like to see. You have to let me know and it has to be appropriate.
Friday, September 4, 2009
St. Luis
My trip to St.Luis was sweet. We went to the City museum. We went and saw the Gateway Arch. It was so tall. You could see the the windows at the top. We got to see the Mississippi River. We went to a St.Luis Cardinals game. Albert Pujols hit two home runs. Molina stole 2nd. Cardinals won 7 to 2
Thursday, September 3, 2009
My Smmer Vacation
Sorry. I would have gotten to it a bit faster but it wasn't exactly the #1 thing on my mind. It was so cool. I got to go to Yellow Stone National Park. We saw a lot of wildlife. I also went white water rafting. It was the Yellow Stone River. It was 56 degrees. I went to Mt. Rushmore. They were really big. If you are up in that area I suggest that you go to Crazy Horse Monument. The head is the size of all four Mt.Rushmore heads. And to top it off it is done all by a family. It is worth going for the little price it cost. Also at night they have a laser light show every night. Write a comment on what you did this summer.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I found out that one of my teachers like to have music on during class. I feel the same and I would like to hear your ideas about this topic. You can check out this teachers. It is called Mr.Mclungs world. It is a new one but it is very interesting.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sorry that I haven't been posting lately. I have had a lot of homework. Sports are also taking a lot of time. Go out and see how long you can walk. Ride a bike, just get out and get something done. Feel free to tell how you have gotten active this month or last month.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Todays Plan
Well I did okay in school. I have to do math home work. For the kids that I told I would post the asignment it is the precourse test after the scavenger hunt.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
So far my school year has been great. I have a lot of teachers that I like. I built this blog so that I have something to do. I like to talk to friends and I want to get a lot of views on my blog this year. I hope you are satisfied with my blog and if I can change it to be any better let me know and I will see what I can do.
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